omgrawr.net Control Panel
quote #
<%[CCP]PrismX> I was interested, but I loathe .NET and thus haven't read even the idiots primer to it
<%[CCP]PrismX> (which begs the question why I loathe it.. but you shut your whore mouth while the grownups are talking)
Lady Gryphon > /emote picks iasius up by his ear and puts him in his crib
Lady Gryphon > "now you have to stay there till you can behave"
Iasius > suck my balls big moma
Grey Hunter > /emote ducks
Lady Gryphon > 0o
Grey Hunter > FIRE IN THE HOLE
Lady Gryphon > /emote pulls out her whip
Iasius > i want a domi
Lady Gryphon > ok enough of this mr potty mouth!
Grey Hunter > you got one, her name is Lady Gryphon
Rahn Altyr > damnit, i forgot to fit the damn hauler with an ab
Beloved deLove > lol
Rahn Altyr > f this... i'm not going 20 km at 126 m/s
Whiro Teiuq > You speed addict.
Whiro Teiuq > You don't get to whine about until you're hauling at 92 m/s
Rahn Altyr > hell, i might put an overdrive injector on this beast
Whiro Teiuq > Defeats the purpose of a hauler, Rahn.
Whiro Teiuq > Kills your cargo capacity.
Rahn Altyr > no, it just hauls ass instead
Whiro Teiuq > An ass is only 0.1 m3. You don't need a hauler for that.
Whiro Teiuq > 0.2 m3 if it's J-Lo.
<Jera> That came out with Shiva?
<Jera> That went live?
<Kayosoni> ...
<Kayosoni> carebear stuff
<Jera> No.
<Jera> Well, okay, i'll concede that point to you Kayosoni, if you concede your a drooling idiot.
<Kayosoni> I'm a drooling idiot
<Kayosoni> now concede my point
<Jera> Point conceded to the idiot.
<Jera> For the rest of the intelligent community.
<Jera> Other people like Kayosoni are thinking there are no implants on the market becaues they are... drooling idiots...
<Jera> So they've upped prices.
Recusor > whats our policy on hostiles in 0.0?
Boma Airaken > in 0.0 our policy is this
Boma Airaken > IS IT BLUE?
Boma Airaken > NO?
Recusor > NO SIR!
Recusor > YES SIR!
Boma Airaken > IS IT RED???
Boma Airaken > THEN MURDER IT
Kane Darkstar > ITS DEAD
* Mindstar (jamesw@staff.ccpgames.com) Quit (Ping timeout)
<Ulviirala> huh?
<Ulviirala> Mindstar (jamesw@staff.ccpgames.com)
<Ulviirala> mindstar is jamesw?
<Lurks> yes
<Ulviirala> bitch
<LaVista> No kidding
<LaVista> You didn't know? :P
<Ulviirala> No bitching, I didn't
<Lurks> thats why he cant play as jamesw no more
<Ulviirala> yea, he's so fucking cute
<Lurks> hence no more DOMInation vids
<Ulviirala> I'd go gay
<Lurks> pfft gay
<Lurks> go Bi
<Ulviirala> ghey
<Lurks> best of both worlds
<Ulviirala> best of jamesw
<Lurks> although I love his email addy
<Lurks> come to think of it...
<Ulviirala> gay@staff.ccpgames.com?
Gavjack Bunk > Unfortunately my home isn't compatible with other things that have minds of their own
Gavjack Bunk > So basically that limits my company to females only
Dan O'Connor > i see =D
Gavjack Bunk > As you can tell, she's not reading my screen at this moment
Gavjack Bunk > But I would
Gavjack Bunk > Be wise
Kayne Darklight > i was wondering...
Gavjack Bunk > to make a lof text
Gavjack Bunk > to scroll that off
Gavjack Bunk > before she
Gavjack Bunk > does
Kayne Darklight > she ever visit omgrawr?
Gavjack Bunk > not
Gavjack Bunk > if
Gavjack Bunk > I scroll
Gavjack Bunk > that off
Gavjack Bunk > as well
Ifni: bob vs 5?
Ifni: since when?
Kurenin :since never
Viceroy: since a few minutes ago
KaneED: 2005.09.15 16:16:00Band of Brothers has declared war on The Five.After 24 hours fighting can legally occur between those involved.
Xharky: o_O
DigitalCommunist: O_O
Kurenin: kane
Kurenin: when you fake mails
Kurenin: change the date
Kurenin: k?
KaneED: fuck
KaneED: :((
Matrixion > sooooooooooo
Matrixion > where we mining?
Mores DeVoid > my pants
Leliel Dirac > yea, Mores has lots of Roids in his pants.
Mores DeVoid > damn
<Sphal> lol, I was just on the phone with my girlfriend and my roommate was yelling at someone down the hall
<Sphal> and she asked what it was and I told her it was just smacktalk in local
<Sphal> Signs I play too much eve #278
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