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Crying Reaper > /emote is getting bored of haveing his tracking disrupted by the blood raiders
Max Payne > lol for a moment I read "the blond raiders"
Crying Reaper > lol
Max Payne > which of course can be taken as people who raid blondes and people who are blond and raid...
DreamAbyss > but... would it be a horrible thing to have your "tracking" disrupted by blonde raiders?
Otherwise > I raid blondes every now and then
Otherwise > with blasters even.
Max Payne > lol
DreamAbyss > lol
Max Payne > brunetes are way more fun to raide
Otherwise > hum ...
Otherwise > depends if brunettes are in season.
Max Payne > oh come on , they always are
Otherwise > scarce in this area ... I'm raiding blondes more often than brunettes
Max Payne > I'd have a brunette every day and 2 on sundays vs a blonde
Otherwise > maybe they'll change that in the next patch
Otherwise > BUFF BLONDES !
Max Payne > no offense to blonde players but ... brunettes just kick ass
DreamAbyss > blondes have more fun but brunettes remember it the next day :)
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