Individual Quote Control Panel
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Azia Burgi > my dad has bought a 4 pack of jack daniel's and coke cola
Azia Burgi > pre-mixed whiskey and coke!
WashuChanUK > Bah thats cheating
Azia Burgi > i can't think of anything more hideous
WashuChanUK > That as chocolate?
Azia Burgi > :S
Radiant Infinity > now that would rock
WashuChanUK > There we go
Jay Marshall > chocolate & jack? hmmm
Nykel d'Krone > 10 year old Bailey's?
Jay Marshall > quite tasty actually.
Nykel d'Krone > you drink, and i'll watch.
Nykel d'Krone > Bailey's has an expiry stamped on each bottle for a reason
Azia Burgi > that would be alcoholic cheese
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