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Solvita > so I carried fuel to 8-4 in the JF
Solvita > moved to my itty 5 to transport to various POSes
Solvita > the was messing with the POS shields and somehow the Rhea got launched immediately out of hte POS shields
Solvita > it was off grid in under a second
Solvita > it took nearly 6 minutes to get a scan ship into system and scanned down
Solvita > when we found it it was STILL doing 4500 m/s
Solvita > it took two or three tries to get ahead of it in an interceptor so I could warp to him and board the JF as it went by
Solvita > at which time it was going a mere 1500 m/s
Tiggerman > I have a song dedicated to Solv

Where, o where did my Rhea go,
Why did it leave at the POS all alone,
I searched the System over thought I found true love,
I clicked the wrong setting and now she is gone
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