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MattSB * was gonna say someat then but i wont :P
Azia Burgi > what about se10 just being a mining whore fullstop?
MattSB > yeh he actually enjoys it :o
SE10 > lol, lies! :P
MattSB > i saw him with a miner I on his crow ffs !!!
Azia Burgi > :o
SE10 > that was only once!!! :S :S :P
MattSB > thats just .... sick
SE10 > ...or maybe twice... BUT STILL!!! :P
Azia Burgi > THE HORROR!
SE10 > lol :(
Azia Burgi > you have no shame se
MattSB > ibet you mined veld in it to :P
SE10 > oh God! its true!!!! <breaks down in tears on the floor>
MattSB > LOL
Azia Burgi * cackles ebilly
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