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Intar Deig > 0.0 is nice
Intar Deig > Not at all like Empire space
unula stricata > found any hot chick there ? :p
Intar Deig > No, a strip joint
Intar Deig > You can't get your hands on the strippers though, they have 100%kinetic resists
Intar Deig > It's like going to a club, all girls are tanked against Intar
Lucatu > you can down their shields with master card or american express
Intar Deig > Not the shield tanked ones
Intar Deig > They are better
Intar Deig > The armor tanked empty my wallet, and when shield is down, they warp out or call on corp mates
Intar Deig > Gotta cut down on mining I think
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