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EVE System > Delayed Mode member list management engaged by Jonny Damordred. This channel's member list will henceforth be updated in a delayed fashion, allowing for an unlimited member count.
Jonny Damordred > EVE System > Delayed Mode member list management engaged by Jonny Damordred. This channel's member list will henceforth be updated in a delayed fashion, allowing for an unlimited member count.
Koronakesh > yea, we saw the message, jonny
Demetri Slavic > we saw
Seriphyn Inhonores > ENGAGED
Julius Avitus > Pretty funny... and JonnyD, we'll see that.
Seriphyn Inhonores > lol Jonny
Eric Kirby > We really dont need more than 50 people considering most of them are alts
Jonny Damordred > EVE System > Koronakesh was kicked from the channel by Jonny Damordred. , Effective until 2009.09.13 21:40:22, Reason: "Did you see this too?"
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